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Earn a lifetime salary by sharing Waalaxy

Become an ambassador for Waalaxy, the best multichannel prospecting tool on the market. Earn up to 50% of your affiliates' payments. Right now.

Trusted by +100K happy users among top-performing companies

Choose your program to start





Program 1

Get a 30% commission for every payment you generate and offer a 20% promo code for all your affiliates

Start with this program

Lifetime commissions

Dedicated dashboard

Full featured platform

Payments within 15 working days

Personalized referal link

Most popular!




month trial

Program 2

Get a 50% commission for every payment you generate and offer 1 free month of Waalaxy to all your affiliates

Start with this program

Lifetime commissions

Dedicated dashboard

Full featured platform

Payments within 15 working days

Personalized referal link




month trial

Program 3

Get a 30% commission for every payment you generate and offer 2 free month of Waalaxy for all your affiliates

Start with this program

Lifetime commissions

Dedicated dashboard

Full featured platform

Payments within 15 working days

Personalized referal link


Revenue we gave our ambassadors in 2024


Ambassadors earning revenue


Average monthly salary earned by our ambassadors

We did everything to make it perfect

Promote the #1 LinkedIn prospecting tool and earn a salary for life

Full featured affiliate platform

Get access to a dedicated platform with your personnal dashboard, referal links & more!

Personnal dashboard

Custom affiliate link


Lifetime commissions

As long as your referee pays, your get paid. It’s as simple as this.

No limit on how much you can earn

Generous lifetime commissions

Ponctual commission boost

We're here to help you along your journey

Our team is here to provide you with everything you need in order to get new affiliates. Techniques, resources, and 5/7d real human support

Access to an exclusive ambassador community

Unlimited resources and brand assets

Reactive human support

Become an ambassador

It works for everyone. Including you

“Great prospecting tool, really easy for me as someone who had never done it before.”


On Trustpilot

“This tool has become a key part of my prospecting strategy.”


On G2

“Easy-to-set-up and user-friendly tool. 39% response rate to my emails.”


On Capterra

“After launching 2 campaigns, I secured numerous meetings and, most importantly, signed 4 contracts worth several thousand euros.”

Saint Louvent

On Trustpilot

“My LinkedIn network grew quickly, and I was able to have many conversations in a very short time.”


On G2

“Waalaxy helped me in no time to get appointments at levels difficult to achieve with traditional prospecting”


On Google

“Simple, effective tool. Time savings and nearly guaranteed return on investment.”


On Google

“Very easy-to-use tool, even for non-technical users. Interesting results for small businesses/SMEs.”


On Capterra

You have questions, we have answers

How does my affiliate link work?

Simply share your affiliate link with your network, and when a potential user clicks on the link a tracking cookie is added to their chrome session for 365 days to automatically detect when they download Waalaxy and automatically affiliate them with your ambassador account.

How are commissions paid?

Commission payments are made via Paypal, our partner Stripe or bank transfer, depending on the payment methods available in your country.

How long are commissions paid out?

Commissions are paid out indefinitely, as long as the affiliate's subscription is renewed.

How can I visualize my affiliates and my performance?

Go to our ambassador interface! You'll be able to see your affiliates, both paying and non-paying, as well as your commissions.

How can my affiliates benefit from using my affiliate link?

By getting a free Business Extended Trial to test the tool more extensively: one month, two months or 15 days, plus 20% off a subscription depending on the ambassador option you choose.

What happens if the person doesn't use my affiliate link to download Waalaxy?

Our tracking system is activated as soon as the user visits our site for the first time. If the user doesn't go through your link, it's not possible to automatically assign him/her to you. You'll need to contact our support team directly.

Can I change the program on my Ambassador account?

It is not possible to change your Ambassador program once you have registered, but you can create a second Ambassador account if you wish.

Can I get a more in-depth partnership?

If you are a training organization (incubator, school, etc.), a commission-free partner program can be set up that is more advantageous for affiliates. Partnerships (webinars, live events, etc.) can also be arranged. For further information, please contact customer support.

What are the rules of the Ambassador program?

You may only affiliate new Waalaxy users who have not yet subscribed.Affiliating an employee of the same company as you or your own accounts is not allowed.  The use of paid advertisements to promote our tool and generate traffic to your affiliate link is strictly prohibited and will result in the deletion of your ambassador account.

Got a specific question? Have a chat with us!

Our team will love to answer all your questions in seconds !

We're with you, every step of the way

Sign up for the program today.
Start making more money this month