Contact 500M up to date profiles on LinkedIn & by email. Get 100’s of positive responses. From 10mn per day & 0€ per month. Without any technical skills.
Contact 500M up to date profiles on LinkedIn & by email. Get 100’s of positive responses. From 10mn per day & 0€ per month. Without any technical skills.
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Make LinkedIn your #1 acquisition channel
Contact 500M up to date profiles on LinkedIn & by email. Get 100’s of positive responses. From 10mn per day & 0€ per month. Without any technical skills.
Trusted by +100K happy users among the biggest companies in the world
16 567 123
responses generated.
Farewell complexity, hello Waalaxy!
Waalaxy is the simplest LinkedIn automation tool on the market.
Automate invitations and messages in minutes
Waalaxy send invitations and messages, for you, while guaranteeing your account safety
99+ ready-to-go sequence prepared for you
Up to 800 actions sent per month
No technical skills required
Follow-up on your leads without having to do it
Connect with new persons in your industry and generate countless opportunities.
Automatic prospect follow-up
Smart detection of positive responses
Advanced workflows
AI does it for you. Just ask, then watch.
Waalaxy’s AI search the hottest leads and write the perfect message for you. All there is left is to launch!