Looking for a Waalaxy discount code?

Looking for a Waalaxy coupon code and haven't found what you're looking for yet? That's okay. Stop looking for promo codes. You will be disappointed. We don't have any. On the other hand, we have better things to offer you.... 👇

Free, and that's not going to change. 👌

Finding your first clients should not be a matter of price. So it's free. For life.

80 invitations
per month. ✅

With our competitors 100 invitations per week = 30€ per month. With us, it's free. Why? Because Waalaxy allows you to do so much more...

Access to 90% of the features. 😎

The free plan includes almost all the features. The difference? With a paid plan, contact 5 times more people.


Why look for a coupon code when it's free for life?

Contact 80 people per month. In 8 min per day. For 0€ per month. No commitment, no credit card required. That's Waalaxy's promise.

-50% off on Black Friday & -30% off on Black Thirstday

We love Black Friday, so we decided to do 2 of them in the year. And for this occasion all our subscriptions are 50% off 😍(Black friday) or 30% off (black thirstday).

Questions & Answers

Why is Waalaxy free?

We also went through this. Finding our first customers. And how did we do it? We used our own tool. It was our duty to help all these young companies. And all those who don't have the means. To help them grow. To contact these people. To grow their network. To create those professional and personal opportunities that will make the world tomorrow.

What do I get with the Waalaxy free plan?

The free plan includes almost all the features. The difference? With a paid plan, contact 5 times more people.

Do I have to enter my credit card for the Waalaxy free plan?

No, we also don't like to put our credit card in when it's free. And yes, it is without commitment.

Why two black friday dates?

Because it's our favorite day of the year, so why wait 1 year to do it again?

What are your Black Friday dates?

One official in November, the other for now is secret. Follow us on LinkedIn to learn more!


Bet we convinced you! 🚀

Free 7-day Trial for all plans.
No credit card required.
Launch your first campaign in 10 minutes. Results in 48 hours.
Why not give it a try?

No credit card required